The Badger Meter Blancett B3000 Series flow monitor provides a flexible, durable, easy-to-use platform for flow metering applications. This monitor makes it easy to track flow, with a crisp dot-matrix display capable of simultaneous display of flow rate and flow total. With a wide variety of enclosure options for both liquid and gas applications, from intrinsically safe and explosion-proof (flameproof) ratings, to an innovative solar-powered model, there is a B3000 monitor to suit your needs.
Blancett B3000 is capable of accepting low-level frequency input
signals typically found in turbine flow sensors. The output signal for
these type of sensors is a frequency proportional to the rate of flow.
The B3000 monitor uses the frequency information to calculate
flow rate and total flow. Through the use of the programming
buttons, you can select rate units, total units and unit time intervals
among other functions. If required, the flow monitor can easily
be reconfigured in the field. Finally, you can choose between
simultaneously showing rate and total, or alternating between rate
and grand total.
The monitor is available in three levels of functionality and two
packaging options. The base model provides all the functions
necessary for the most common flow metering applications. The
advanced version adds communications capabilities over an RS485
bus using Modbus RTU and control outputs. The third version is a
solar-powered model (NEMA 4X only).
Packaging options include a polycarbonate, NEMA 4X version and
an aluminum explosion proof enclosure.
Blancett B3000 Applications
The B3000 monitor is suitable for application in a wide variety of
metering needs. A few of the more common industries are:
• Secondary oil recovery applications
• Remediation and reclamation
• Fracture/refracture
• Coal bed methane
• Regulatory compliance and environmental accountability
• Industrial chemicals
• Aggressive chemical processing applications
• Semiconductor manufacturing
• Fertilizer production and dispensing
• Pesticide manufacture
• Liquid batching and water cooling
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